Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Shameless Plug - Yet Another New Biz!

For those who follow me already - you know I'm a creative. I'm driven. I'm all about freedom. And - I'm passionate. Well - funnel all that - plus my love of writing - into one space, and you have a new business. (At least that's how it works for me.)You also know how I've had to take my health into my own hands and figure out what my body has been trying to tell me. In that process, I've learned SOOOO much about what is truly healthy, safe, and unsafe - and have incorporated many a trick or tip to living a life of vitality....

FIRST (and continued) Entrepreneurial Pursuit...
Passion for photography (as ART, Fun, Real people, & Real emotion) + a Sentimentalist who loves looking back fondly = Photography Biz. (That's been around since 2007.)

Passion for avoiding toxins, eating & LIVING truly right, digging up the TRUTHS about our foods and personal care products, and sharing what I learn + Writing my brains out = NEWEST Venture! Enter: The Vitality Lounge! 

Started this new biz with my nearest & dearest gal-pal, KP - who has a passion for all things "woo" :) She's our resident expert on the metaphysical, & of the mind & soul. She'll be contributing her experience & knowledge about various related topics, including things such as meditation, yoga, and many more!

I know a lot of busy parents out there, who enjoy reading these blogs, will benefit from our learning curve in the way of all things healthy. Please check it out at & sign-up for our free weekly newsletters... (er, "LoungeLetters") Plus, if you sign up before our official launch (hurry - coming in June) you are automatically entered to win a $100 Whole Foods gift card!

So what are you waiting for? You want the best for your fam, right? Jump in and join us in the (virtual)
'Lounge'! Cheers - and hope to see you there.

(To our vitality. Yay!)

*This may mean I focus even less (what the?) on this here blog... but then again - I may have more time to spill my mommy-brains here in coming months once all is official on the new-biz-front. We shall see!*

One of My BEST Mommy-Decisions EVER!

Oy-yoy-yoy.... You're gonna start to wonder if I write about anything beyond poop & puke on this site.... But I digress. Seems like one of those unavoidable life-scenarios - and so why not find some humor or 'good' within? Show me my silver lining. (Any fans of this here tune by First Aid Kit? I recommend checking it out! Pretty much sums up my approach to life.) :)

So - after our last family-puke-fest some months ago - I decided, "What the hell? I'mma gonna put a bucket into each kiddo's bed. Maybe (JUST maybe) they'll use it." Several months passed. One eve before night-night - The KG'r (Addie) mentioned that her 'tummy hurt'. I thought, "Oh goody. Should be a fun night ahead." Turns out - my instincts were on. BUT - there was a pleasant surprise in the mix. 

'Tis the middle of the night, and I awake to "Mommy, Mommy - - - she's throwing up!!!!" Big sis Myla was on duty for bringing us parents (by that - I mean me) abruptly to Addie's aid. "Oh shit!", was all I could muster as I sprung out of bed and flew into their room. I imagined I'd be spending the remainder of the night bouncing between holding a bucket, and tending to bedding in the laundry.

Whaaaaat? Could this BE???? The clearly-smarter-than-I-give-her-credit-for little munchkin had her head right over her bucket already - funneling the stuff away from bedding - entirely!

I immediately felt a weight off of my shoulders and the idea of sleeping on the couch downstairs and being woken up every half-hour to hour for the next 5 seemed like a pin-drop of a problemo compared to the dreaded puke-laundry. Woot! I'll take it...

As an added bonus - no one else in the house fell victim to the stomach bug.

TIP: Buckets IN Children's BEDS - ALWAYS!!!!!!
A QUOTE: "Few things are brought to a successful issue by impetuous desire, but most by calm and prudent forethought." ~ Thucydides
 quotediaryofficial:  ★★★ more quotes here ★★★