Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Crabbies

The way Addie's nature has been lately - I wasn't surprised that she was crabby in general throughout much of the celebratory weekend... I was, however, a bit staggered to witness her tears as she unwrapped gifts on Christmas morning. WHAT? Seriously? Really....... Not what you were hoping for this year? Me neither! Thankfully, the deluge of sugar-laden treats and the continuous attention from various family members as the celebrations commenced, brought about a sense of contentment in her. 
So, all in all, it could certainly have been worse ;) They were both really excited for Christmas this year - and Myla was absolutely thrilled with every minute of it! I guess if one isn't crabby, the other one must take over, huh? Her teeth are almost through now, so we should be getting a more 'normalized' Addie back again shortly. She has been coming back around gradually. 
Still just can't understand how one could be happy about her gifts, yet crying at the same time. But then again - - pain can do that to a person! So I can't really blame the poor girl. The post-stress migraine I got to endure following the holiday happies, reminded me just how living with pain can affect a person. I suppose I may have needed that reminder in this case.

TIP: Baby pain relief: Don't leave home without it! (Sometimes you just have to administer the pain meds...)
A QUOTE: "Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love!"  ~Hamilton Wright Mabie
WHIDFML: Lazy lazy day-after-Christmas this year!! :):)

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